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Our Spiritual Formation classes focus is on studying a specific area of spiritual growth and development. Students who complete at least 10 classes will be eligible to receive a Diploma in Inter-Disciplinary Studies. All students have the option to participate in the graduation ceremony. 

Per class cost is $25 Domestic (10 courses discounted price is $20 per course).  




Answering the Call

This course is designed for those who have believed that they have been called to service into the Kingdom of God. We will examine what it means to be called, how to identify your calling and putting language to what you believe that you have been called to do.


Fishers of Men

This course focuses on understanding that we all have been called to evangelize. We will
examine the evangelistic call to understand how God uses us to evangelize in different ways.



Art of Teaching

This course will provide students with the basic understanding of how to teach students of
all ages.


How to Study the Bible

This course focuses on developing good study habits while examining different tools and ways that can be used to gain a greater understanding of scripture.



Understanding the Prophetic

This course will assist students in recognizing the voice of God to gain a greater understanding of how essential the prophetic is to the body of Christ.


 Sermon Prep

  This course will provide students an opportunity to prepare to preach by examining different methods of sermon prep while discovering your peaching voice.



There is a War Going On

There is war going on between good and evil. Your “inner being” desires good but the members of your body desires evil, these two are in constant conflict, warring against your mind. We will examine some of the mind games of the enemy and look at what scripture says about taking back control over your thoughts.


Praise, Worship and Giving

We will examine why we praise, why we worship and the importance of giving as we offer

ourselves to God and look to grow closer to him.



Understanding 5-Fold Ministry

This course will provide students with an understanding of the five-fold ministry and its
importance to the church. For those who are interested, there is a gift assessment that can be taken that will help to identify their 5-fold ministry gift.

The cost of the assessment is $10.00.


Theology of the Trinity

This module will explore the characteristics of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Each participant will also explore one personal relationship with the Trinity. 



Spiritual Gifts

In this course, students will observe these spiritual gifts and analyze the passage of Romans 12:1-8 where Paul writes about how we use our gifts to serve others. We will define each gift and understand its function. Through different examples, we will see how these gifts are
demonstrated and understand that everyone possesses at least one of these gifts.


Theology of Man & Redemption

This module will discuss the fall of man. the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the power of salvation.



The Apostle Paul & The Church

This course will discuss the Missionary Journeys of Paul’s ministry as he traveled to establish the church, set leaders in place to oversee the church, and provided correction to the church where needed. We will also walk through the opposition that Paul faced each time he was sent to build a church in a new region. The central theme of this course is the Apostolic building.


Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Bible lists 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. These gifts are given to
believers by the Holy Spirit to help them carry out God's will on earth. These gifts include: the Word of Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge, Faith, Gifts of Healing, Working of Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Divers Kinds of Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues. Students will explore that in the Body of Christ, it’s important to understand what each of these gifts means and how they operate.



Giving Birth to Your Purpose

This course examines our values and belief systems to remove obstacles that prevent us from moving into purpose.


Servant Leadership (Modeling Jesus)

Leadership style is an approach used to encourage growth and well-being among others while building trust, accountability, and engagement in the community. In this course, students will examine how servant leadership operates in ministry, the essential traits of servant leadership, the pros and cons of this approach, and the various roles servant leaders are involved in.

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620 Moorefield Park Dr, STE 211

Richmond, VA 23236

(804) 674-1208

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Worship Center

620 Moorefield Park Dr, STE 211

Richmond, VA  23236

(804) 674-1208

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